Monday, October 14, 2013

Smarter than a PC

Quick, which is smarter: your brain, or your laptop?

Trick question. Obviously, your brain is “smarter,” although we could twist around the definition of “smart” to make laptops look like the winner. It’s all about semantics: do we mean intelligent, fast, good at memory, good at recall?

The thing about your brain which beats computers every time, is how adaptable it is. Your brain has been taking in, processing, and storing information almost constantly since before you were born.

How old is your laptop? I few years old? Did you have a different one before that? Why did you get a new one?

Your laptop can be updated a few times, but eventually, technology will leave your old brick behind Your brain, however, is a factory original, and even when its at its slowest, it will still be able to adapt, and change, and learn.

Its called elasticity. And the science has shown that your brain literally changes shape every time you learn. The more you learn, the more your brain changes.

So instead of comparing your brain to your laptop, why not compare it to your muscles? And you know how your muscles change when you exercise.

Forgive me the pun, but I can’t help it: doing cerebral exercises is no-brainer.

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